Lighthouse Christian Academy - Bloomington Home of the Lions

Lighthouse Christian Academy - Bloomington Basketball (Boys JV) Basketball (Boys 5/6) Basketball (Boys V) Basketball (Boys 7th/8th) Basketball (Girls 5/6)

To all Physical Education students and Strength and conditioning Syllabus attatched for parents grading scale and sheet to sign

By Joseph Hasseman | Jan 3, 2025 6:18 AM

Hello all, I hope everyone had an amazing break and got lots of rest. That being said we are back at it. This semester all students will be required to wear gym uniforms this is high school and middle school no exceptions this is t-shirt and shorts the whole uniform jeans are not exceptable. Sweatpants are not exceptable either unless your parents bring me a note and it is a religous exemtion. Also my strength and conditioning class is exactly that be prepared to lift and do foot work drills on the days we do not lift. This class is not a studyhall, there may be days we have a day off then it is ok, but be prepared to work hard and become better athletes. Thanks to all and I am excited to see everyone make sure you order your gym uniforms. Failure to wear uniform as it states in the handbook is a 0 for dressing out and also 0 for participation because if you do not dress you you may not participate.

1 Attachment