Lighthouse Christian Academy - Bloomington Home of the Lions

Lighthouse Merch from My Sports Locker for support of Lighthouse sports cover photo
Lighthouse Merch from My Sports Locker for support of Lighthouse sports
This weeks Athletic schedule cover photo
This weeks Athletic schedule
The rest of this weeks Athletic Schedule cover photo
The rest of this weeks Athletic Schedule
Tis the season basketball is about to be in full swing. cover photo (school logo)
Tis the season basketball is about to be in full swing.
WE ARE LCA!!!!!! Lets show up for the lady lions tomorrow LCA community!!! The website to buy ticketstts is on here as well . cover photo
WE ARE LCA!!!!!! Lets show up for the lady lions tomorrow LCA community!!! The website to buy ticketstts is on here as well .
vote Taylor Helbert athlete of the week cover photo (school logo)
vote Taylor Helbert athlete of the week